Via is er op het moment een gratis Engelstalige cursus beschikbaar over De Geschiedenis van het boek van 1450 tot 1800. (The History of the book in the early modern period: 1450 to 1800.)

De cursus is ontwikkeld door het Trinity College in Dublin en de volgende onderwerpen komen aanbod:
Week 1: How books were made in Western Europe (1450-1800) (designing types, illustrating, sewing, binding, and finishing books).
Week 2: How books were sold in Western Europe (1450-1800) (bestsellers, collectors, advertising and book auctions).
Week 3: How books were read in Western Europe (1450-1800) (books and readers, families libraries, and annotating books).
Week 4: How books changed the world (1450-1800) (reforming religion, transforming medicine and science, and remaking the state).